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Saturday, January 31, 2009; 1:49 AM
Past three days went to serice desk and repair laptop which mean reformat =.=
took about 5 hours each session wanna to rot liao....
today also repair laptop and reformat then countershoot etc watever la...
happy birthday to yung sin and soli to her too wait for me do gems but then we do some onli due to the fact that of laptop problem...psps....
then erm do till about 8 then i went to lot one see love matter....with pp and hx...
erm haha nice show and funny ba...
meaning of the show nice to treasure wat u have everytime and not took thing for granted....
haha wo shi xiao han kap...madam ni hen piao liao oh ...madam ni hen shou ju qi lai...haha funny siao....
erm watever we do anything think of consequences ba...u may in turn hurt the other with the action so think before act....
haha nice show like it....
this show sort of criticising guy siao....erm girl ma to some extent also have haha....
nvm ba it a nice show indeed....
Thursday, January 29, 2009; 10:32 PM
Today then i know monday got test =.= and then suay is that my com cannot use microsoft wat so ever then stupid la.... and then trouble ppl to help me ...psps....and domo arigato to those help me... haiz should not think much about studies will ahev white hairs de
erm thing are alway not we wanted... haha pray for everyone to be happy and smiles...
new yesr not really bad or good... sian at relative house... got lot of thing to eat my yummy and then finish one pineapple tarts and and love letter in 2 hours time at relative house...psps....
erm oh okies watveer la...gotta smilelike nothing happen and act like nothing bother me and be happy...
i can de cheerful... :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009; 8:11 PM
Today go to sheng song be auntie... shit la show my super auntie act in front of him yu yun nvm la but to a guy =.= erm haha altogether buy 160 plus then erm go to my house cut meat... then horx cut like super 'nice' lo.... and the pig liver like cut till in blender like that that... erm nvm it going to end up oin stomach no matter wat... think firday would rocks the night and pretty fun... haha got buy voka poker erm and a lot of food. lo.... and GOT great lo.... that so great... haha we will rock the night and have damn great fun wakakaka
Thursday, January 15, 2009; 10:01 AM
I used to like everyday in my lives, thinking that everyday is a new chapter of adventure. However, now in poly, I hate thursday to the core. Everything happened for a reason, so do I have a reason for this. To begin with, I choose Diploma in Electrical Electronics Engineering due to some stupid coincidence and reasons. I regreted it. Having lesson each day, I feel that I am not suitable to study in this course. I took life Science in Secondary School, and I like the subject every much. If life have a second chance, I will consider my option carefully and then choose Science related course rather then suffering now. Thursday is a day where there is Introduction to Engineering(practical lesson doing circuit board and connection). I hate doing all those thing as I do not know what i am doing at all. On top of it, I felt that I being useless for not helping them at all. They planned the circuit design,know every components well and do mutlisim all those work. What about me then??? I do nothing,not even helping to solder and all those. I do not know how the circuit works, what the component is and what they are talking. I tried to listen but then to no valid. I do not understand what they are talking at all. Everytime on thursday, I am sort of like being outcast. I can only do my own things like chatting online, play game and blogging. I felt so depressed for not knowing what they are talking and discussing. Mind wandering why I am in this course and why I insist of not appealing. Thing might better if I appeal to Science courses. Having a lot of feeling on thursday, I really hate it. Those things just make me think that why I am so useless. Imagine that I have to do my own circuit board and plan it myself, it is just like a heavy task that i cannot accomplish. I do not know what year two will be like but i think i will suffer like this again. Due to the fact that I never build a strong foundation and A lot of factors which words cannot express it. Thursday such a long day in school with a lot of mixed feeling.
The rules and regulations: 1. Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about themself. 2. People who get tagged need to write their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts. 3. At the end, player needs to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. 4. No tags back! uh okay!let's get started, shall we?
10 weird things/habits/little known facts about me. 1 : I MUST MUST drink one cup of plain water EVERY morning! 2 : I am very lame ! 3 : It's a must for me to put on ear rings if not its like something amiss ^_^ 4 : I love to eat, and I can keep eating for hours. XD 5 : I like to sing and anyhow dance when bathing HAHA. 6 : I like to comb my hair whenever i have nothing to do...LOL 7 : When I'm engross in something or watching tv, u've to get my attention or shout at me so that I'll respond to u ^_^ 8 : I love to sleep and eat tibits and sweet stuff!! 9 : I am noob in com and blur as people always called me that. 10 : I love to talk a lot(TALKATIVE MA????)
The 10 people I tag: #1: Wan Ping #2: Yung Sin #3: Hui Xiang #4: Puay Ling #5: Eddie #6: Mental #7: Joanne #8: Kai Feng #9: Ching Rong #10: Pan Peng
TEN ARE YOUS' 1. Are you single♥ YEAH, I AM!!! 2. Are you happy♥ Sometime go out then sure will be *__* 3. Are you bored♥ ALWAYS!!! 4. Are you fair♥ Yes, I'm fair to everyone LOL. 5. Are you Italian♥ Nope 6. Are you intelligent♥ No, I'm smart XD (but horx ppl keep say i stupid and idiot but i am not) 7. Are you honest♥ Yes, most of the time. 8. Are you nice♥Should be don angry easily( erm someone say me easy to bully) 9. Are you Irish♥ Nope mee is singaporean ^__^
TEN FACTS 1. Full Name♥ Ng Pei Fen 2. Nicknames♥ Fen Fen,Bamboo,Blur queen, pie(newly added),and more!!! 3. Birth place♥ Singapore. 4.Hair color♥ Pure black! 5. Natural hair style♥ Shoulder length. 6. Eye colour♥ B-L-A-C-K. 7. Birthday♥ 19 JUNE 91 8. Mood♥ Erm moody sometime but i am cheerful( woosh contradictating) 9. Favorite color♥ AT this moment...Black,PInk, Blue think don have liao... 10. One place you'd like to visit♥ My lalaland came true place.
Sunday, January 11, 2009; 12:33 PM
Today nothing to do never go out or do anything... me just go grandma house ba waiting for people to call and aks me i ask people all not free thne nvm ler la.... i really wan tog o ecp someday.... like very worries or troubles is being blown away.... and then a brand new start.... but don wan to stay in a tent lo....haha for those who know wat it means la....
Butterflies are beautiful... their colourful wings where they always are make them extra beautiful but there live for a short time... lives is short for them just like our lives.... thing may seem beautiful but they are not.... beautiful thing won last long... no matter how beautiful and nice it is... it won't last to the end...
Yesterday ys,wp and me went to nyp to see felicia chin together with 12 other campus superstars and lee teng them all... MAnage to capture some great shot from there.. And then of course we also capture some photo of our own... that for yesterday event... i will blog one more about today
Today i go ngee ann poly openhouse and then guess wat....
see shi xinhui go there promote her song....
she sing damn powerful siao...
tmr got felicia chin and pornsak lee teng haha...
don know wan go bakc ma lol...
think will be packed lo...luckily la..
tot of going to bbp with ys to see de but now no need ler...
fulfill today....
oh and i eat my so called breakfast there...
never go out lo as planned sian...
next time don ps me ler horx....
Wednesday, January 7, 2009; 11:37 PM
Today after school i went to chinese garden with friends...
Today gems presentation is cancelled..
luckily siao i never really go prepare the speech and all those....
here are some photoes taken today....
Tuesday, January 6, 2009; 8:15 PM
IF you have forever why do u treasure???? Treasure something that is forever, funny ma??? example u will treasure your parents very veyr much then someone u love ma??? the answer mostly is treasure lover as it si not forever lol... parent is forever so take for granted so don care as time passes ya lo...that
erm to really make someone give up is to really keep distance away frm the person... and to be damn firm and mean.... and tell straight off we are firend... it is better for the person and you... the person won wait for u and then neglect the others and waste time for u ma.... u won felt like own the person too much lol.... keep sms and then call does not help just make the person like u ba... hui xiang sorry i did that to you so as to make us a best and then the result is damn good... u really be my friend now and i am glad as u are not wasting ur time....
the day is smiling for those who accept sunlight rather then darkness....
friend are better then couples it is true...and i mean it... friend got the so called boardary while couple not that so friend last longer...
haha one of my anyhow blog post as i have nothing to blog lol...
Monday, January 5, 2009; 10:41 PM
Nice quote right????
I think it is and then agree it is hurtful...
Imagine u love someone but then he or she don know and then see u with the person u love...
the feeling was damn not good and so wat....
But then if u love him or her, i mean u should like tell her or him to let her or him know....
sometime the replyis yes too...
lol...erm u never knwo unless u aksed....
miralces sometime could happen lol...
erm nothing to do jsut anyhow pick quote frm my quotes to blog lol...
Sunday, January 4, 2009; 10:27 PM
Today quite emo leh... DOn know to blog or wat ma... maybe not ba i say ler don think about emo stuff.... really wan to cry now.... definitely NOT RELATIONSHIP PROBLEM cause i don have one yet.... but nvm don say ler.... Why did i let myself believe that miracles could happen A wish upon the star just don't come true
Today so suay erm.. drink Milo spill then erm ask yu yun lend me her short... then she rush home to take for me from downstairs as i am outside... then erm my slipper stupid lo don wan me reach home then spoils i wan go home then spoils so i walk barefooted home... most funny is that =.= yu yun and me slipper all spoil but her slipper spoils so less trouble caused to me ba ' my slipper angry ler maybe cause i don wan eat ice cream lol...... then all ppl stomach pain... why leh so funny eddie ,me ,yu yun and ge ge also pain=.= so guai lo
then erm kite nice horx never fly before but think veyr nice lol
Friday, January 2, 2009; 10:19 PM
TOday first day of school for watever school.... erm my youngest brother go nursey today... haha become the boss lead ppl.. at first no one cried he start crying and the other few start crying too... then cher ask who wan go toliet then erm no one wan then my bro tell my dad he wan go then some others follow too... walau super funny become sute little boss... Then my younger brother go secondary school... erm don knwo wat happend just that he might be lookdown... wateevr la don think ler new start new begining..wakaka... erm my sis go bugis today ... she bought a shirt for me for my new year...damn nice.... so lolita and so japanese style kawaiii...... wakkaka nice siao.... thinking of the bottom as lolita top the bottom can go with wat erm still nice....happy ba today.... and then study ma nothing more leh today lesson boring ba and then nice ba...wat more no fighting no sadness so today is happy
Thursday, January 1, 2009; 12:41 AM
1)Good GPA in poly 2)Learning some intrusmental thingy and erm japanese 3)Stay contact with everyone 4)Have a very great 18th birthday (hoping to celebrate with bunch of friend and a cake) 5)Gain some weight to be acceptable weight 6)Financial getitng better 7)Have confidence in whatever i do and never give up 8)Be myself and smiles as much as i can 9)Want to have happiness,Beauty and prince 10)More firends and excel in everything 11)Have my dreams come true 12)kinship,relationship,friendship all are well
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
I am 18 this year.
Waiting for Santa- Presents to me on 1906!
Study in Singapore Polytechnic currently
I Like:
I Dislike:
♥The real world
♥Fake people
Dear Santa, get these for me!
Explore the World Happiness! New Shoes Confidence Score well Good GPA Fame, Beauty, Fortune Cheerful Wisdom Learning Japanese Meeting my "HIM" To be my real self Have all dream coming true
I want to be
Crystal shoes are laughing,
Birds are chipping.
Who is the one and only girl???
Answer reveals when ones wear the crystal shoes.
My heartbeat is pumping hardly yet the charming prince never notice.
Pray to the shooting star,
Please remember me!!
Till blood flow profusely out from the crystal shoes...
Enduring all pain hoping to touch you
Cutting my feet just to meet you.
I am Cinderella in disguise,
Believing in miracles will happen.
I am Cinderella in disguise,
Prepare for the ball and shine for you.
I am Cinderella in disguise,
Using lie just to win your precious smile.
I am staring at you always.
I am spining and dancing non-stop. Hoping you will remember the best of me
Until the clock strike 12 midnight
I am running against time
When it strike 12 midnight,
Magic disappears,how cruel the fact is.
Without the crystal shoes,
I am nothing.